Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hot Chelle Rae: Honestly

Break ups are one of the hardest things you’ll ever experience. In a way it’s like experiencing your own piece of hell, the pain is unbearable and you’re left feeling like your whole world is torn apart.

From Left to Right:
Nash Overstreet, Ryan Follese, Jamie Follese and Ian Keaggy
Hot Chelle Rae’s song Honestly describes exactly how you should feel after a breakup. No tears, no pain but party and live your life despite how things feel in the inside. The chorus of the song says it all “Ima go 'cause I got no problem with saying goodbye. Is it wrong that I'm gonna be having the time of my life? 'Cause deep down I know I should cry I should scream and get down on my knees, I should say that I need you here. But I'm gonna party tonight, 'cause honestly I just don't care…”
While the song seems like the singer of Hot Chelle Rae is the victim of a broken heart the video states otherwise. The beginning of the video shows Ryan and Jamie Follese playing video games while Ashley Benson (Pretty Little Liars) asks him if he’s ready and he tells her he has rehearsal though he’s focusing on video games. Throughout the video Ryan seems rather obnoxious though still acting as if he were the victim but “honestly” speaking, Ashley was definitely the victim.
It was still a good video however I wished it was the other way around victim wise. If you don’t believe me check it out for yourself! For more information of all things Hot Chelle Rae be sure to check out their website, like them on Facebook and don’t forget to follow them on Twitter as well as check their other videos here on their Vevo!


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