Friday, February 24, 2012

The Summer Set: When We Were Young Video

Do you remember the person you fell in love with for the first time? The one who left you speechless every time you shared a gaze, kiss and touch; the one you shared your heart and soul with and believed that this was the way life was meant to be. Then that dreadful moment where everything falls apart happens and you’re left wondering how something that was once so amazing leaves you feeling like you’ve just entered Hell.

From left to right:
John Gomez, Jess Bowen, Brian Dales, Stephen Gomez
and Josh Montgomery
The Summer Set of Scottsdale, Arizona recently released a music video for When We Were Young that has caused quite the controversy amongst fans. When We Were Young describes the reminiscence of your first relationship where you felt the warmth of love, back when you thought things would never change and that this would be forever. It also describes the hell you experience as the flame is dying and there couldn’t be a more truthful lyric than the one Brian Dales sings, “Young forever back then, never knew the first loves the hardest…”
The video shows two people who are clearly in love and all the moments they spent together though at the end the girls kills her significant other. Now a lot of people are obviously freaking out over the video  because it’s a big deal however when you think about how much you despise the other person for loving someone else then I suppose mentally we've all wanted to beat someone out of our lives.  However you can’t and you shouldn't but don’t look at it as her beating him to death, look at it as the crowbar representing the feeling of love lost and you officially letting go.  It doesn’t mean I necessarily agree with the ending 101 percent but at the same time I get the angle that they were going for. To those who are freaking out, I'm assuming you have never experience the coldness of loving and losing so congrats.You may or may not agree with me on this stance but then again these are just my opinions and I do suggest you check it out for yourself and tell me what you think of it.
For more information all things The Summer Set check out their website, like them on Facebook and don’t forget to follow them on Twitter as well as check their other videos here on their Vevo!


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