
Hello and welcome to Must Be the Music. My name is Alicia Ramirez, I am a 20 year old chick from an itty bitty city called Eloy, Arizona. I hold a strong passion for writing, photography and pretty much ANYTHING that has to do with music within my heart and soul. Be it attending concerts, writing a simple review, advising others to listen or simply laying down and enjoying the sound within the speakers.
I have a personal blog at Music and Teacups and have had the tendency to talk about songs that I have posted. As a journalist major who dreams of becoming a music journalist I thought starting something new would be a wise step in the right direction thus evolving Must Be the Music.
I am excited to be starting this new project and I hope you all are as well, thank you for reading and being wonderful supporters. Life is a tea party and this is my teacup.

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