Saturday, February 25, 2012

Congrats RadioDriveBy!

RadioDriveBy of Chandler, Arizona has officially surpassed their goal of $2,000 for their Kickstarter by $115, congrats guys!

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Summer Set: When We Were Young Video

Do you remember the person you fell in love with for the first time? The one who left you speechless every time you shared a gaze, kiss and touch; the one you shared your heart and soul with and believed that this was the way life was meant to be. Then that dreadful moment where everything falls apart happens and you’re left wondering how something that was once so amazing leaves you feeling like you’ve just entered Hell.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

FUN. Some Nights

August 25, 2009 Fun. released their first album titled Aim and Ignite and after three years of patiently waiting they have finally released their sophomore album, Some Nights.

End of the World Tour 2012

February 17th I attended the End of the World tour located at The Nile Theater in Mesa, Arizona and though I was unable to see Mayday Parade, I did watch three amazing bands do what they love.