Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Call Me, Maybe.

One of many Call Me, Maybe pictures.
“Hey I just met you…” is all I’ve been seeing on twitter and lately been hearing on the radio thanks to Canadian singer, Carly Rae Jepsen.
I was intrigued because of all the tweets I was seeing so I decided to give it a listen, for all you Carly fans I apologize but the song is annoying. I could not wrap my head around why the song was getting so much attention; pretty much everything about it is annoying. But of course I feel awful for saying that so I decided to give it another chance….but not Carly.
New York City based band Fun. and Vermillion, SD’s Paradise Fears both covered the song and honestly I like both versions better. While both are two entirely different bands from two slightly different genres, they managed to make an annoying song less annoying. Give them both a listen and tell me who your favorite is, because I don’t think I can choose just one.

For all thing’s FUN., check out their Twitter, Facebook and website.
For all thing’s Paradise Fears, check out their Twitter, Facebook and website.


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